Archive for January, 2008

Are You Using the Internet to Get Publicity for Your Small Business?

According to an article on Smart Company last Friday, internet use in Australia is absolutely booming, going ballistic, skyrocketing – you get the picture!

So are you using this direct access to your customers to your best advantage? Are you posting media releases on your website aimed directly at this information-hungry, purchase-ready market?

As a small business owner, this is one gloriously sensational opportunity to be getting publicity with your target market – all you need to do is write news releases about your company, products, achievements, milestones etc etc in a journalistic style, post this information to a dedicated Media page on your site and watch the traffic .

Why is this strategy soooo important – firstly, because you’re making your website more content-rich and therefore more valuable for the search engines (ie. SEO) – and secondly, you can offer your target market highly targeted sales messages that will actually help them in their buying decision.

So pleeeease, start using your website as your own unique media channel – and let me know how you go – I’d love to get your feedback.

Anyway, here’s the full story about Aussie internet use…

Smart Company

Publicity Queen Yours in internet publicity

New Year’s Publicity Resolution – Internet Marketing

Firstly a big wonderful HAPPY NEW YEAR to you!

I hope that 2008 is a bumper year for you and your business.

To help things along a little, I want to share a fabbo resource.  Have you heard of The Australian Index – it’s an incredible repository of Australian blogs.

So what does this have to do with getting publicity you ask???  Simple, becoming active in other people’s blogs has two benefits:

  1. You become more familiar with blogs and if you decide to start your own at least you’ll have a little more confidence and know-how, and
  2. It’s a great way to get known by some of Australia’s ‘thought leaders’ and perhaps have your business promoted, or at least, your comments posted (ideally with a backlink back to your site!)

Go on – get blogged in 2008 – make it your year of internet marketing and publicity – just think, if you don’t, your competitors will!

Publicity Queen   Yours in publicity