Archive for February, 2008

Journalists Are Doin’ It For Themselves!

Well first there was Smart Company and now there’s The Sheet – that’s enough for me to declare a new trend!

The new trend is this: highly experienced and well respected journalists are leaving the stable of traditional media starting their own new media channels – this is just amazing and a fantastic opportunity for everyone (except perhaps their past employers!).

Check them out:

Smart Company  

started by Amanda Gome (ex BRW)

The Sheet  

started by Ian Rogers (ex The Australian Financial Review)

Why am I soooo excited you ask?

Because it is a breaking of the bonds of traditional media and we are now seeing exciting and fresh news content that is not beholden to the traditional rules of old media (read here: space based on advertising sold) which makes it notoriously difficult to get editoral – that is, with this innovative approach to news, it gives people like us much greater scope to get our stories told.

Let’s all go wild with excitment here because it’s a whole new era in media.

And let’s also give three cheers to these vanguard journalists – well done!

Publicity Queen   Yours in publicity

Personalised Content in New Media

I have to say that working in a publicity agency as a publicist who’s completely fascinated by the power of the internet and the way that affects how businesses communicate with their target audiences, each day gets more and more exciting with each new development!

Have a look at this…

With the glorious developments of ‘Web 2.0’ readers can now customise content of magazines!!!  How incredibly powerful is that!  Here’s an example of a music mag in which readers select the content they want to receive….

Idiomag in Springwise 

What does that mean for publicity? You need to move with the times and send your news online!

Publicity Queen   Yours in publicity

PS. Thanks to Springwise for the original info – subscribe to their fabbo newsletter… Springwise Newsletter