Archive for September, 2008

Google 10 Steps – SME marketing tools

Well I’d heard of the ’12 Steps’ before, and now Google has come along with 10!

10 Steps

10 Steps

Released exclusively through Australian Anthill magazine, Google has developed an online marketing tool for SMEs which is being tested in the Australian market – we certainly are the lucky country!

I’ve had a quick look through it and even though there is some slant toward developing an Adwords campaign (they could hardly resist could they?) there is value in the 10 Steps for small businesses who want to clarify their online position and goals.

As is my want to carry on about the importance of online publicity, this free tool will help you develop your online presence and priorities and the importance of driving your ‘findability’ – and basically that’s what you want and in broad brush terms, that’s my definition of online publicity – getting yourself FOUND.

So go check it out and do the exercise – I’d be interested to get your feedback…

Yours in PR