Archive for December, 2010

Publicity Queen Gets Front Cover of mX

Is that sleigh bells I hear, or the sweet chime of success as Publicity Queen scoops another front page for one of our clients.  This time it was for the Kmart Wishing Tree Appeal, for which Publicity Queen manages the Queensland and Victorian campaigns.

Inspired by Australian Oscar-winning costume designer Lizzie Gardiner, who famously wore a dress made entirely of gold American Express Cards, yesterday’s edition of mX featured a young model clad only (well mostly!) in Kmart Wishing Tree Appeal gift tags.  The striking outfit, matched perfectly with a day-glo red wig, was put together by Melbourne designer Martina Lucinda.

This is just the kind of striking visual that editors love, and helped us to secure front page news in this daily publication that is read by the busy commuters as they head home from work.  According to mX, their three publications reach 757,000 people every weekday across the eastern seaboard of Australia, in Melbourne alone, an article like this one would be read by an average of 304,000 people.  The estimated advertising value equivalent for this article alone would be in excess of $30,000.

This is the THIRD FRONT COVER Publicity Queen has secured this year!  We got the front cover of The Courier Mail in April for Property Pursuit, front cover of City News for Sirromet in July and now front cover of mX for Kmart Wishing Tree Appeal in December.  Wahooooo!  And the year before we had the all-time PR coup of getting a front cover of The Australian Financial Review!

To find out how Publicity Queen can generate this kind of stellar coverage for your business, contact us.

Publicity QueenYours in PR

Why Twitter Matters for Media

Incredibly, there still seem to be some people in the media and PR game who question the power of Twitter as a source and a tool for the media and publicists.  To put the question beyond doubt in the affirmative, I read a brilliant explanation by the esteemed Alan Rusbridger, Editor-in-Chief of The Guardian newspaper, in his address as part of the Andrew Olle media lecture series on the topic of why Twitter matters for media organisations.

In his speech he mentioned 15 reasons why Twitter is important for the media to know, understand and use in order to source and to generate new and meaningful content.  Those reasons are as follows:

1) It’s an amazing form of distribution. It’s instantaneous. Its reach can be immensely far and wide.

2) It’s where things happen FIRST.  There are millions of human monitors out there who will pick up on the smallest things and who have the same instincts as the agencies — to be the first with the news. As more people join, the better it will get.

3) As a search engine, it rivals Google. Twitter is, in some respects, better than Google in finding stuff out, through the use of search term algorhythms.

4) It’s a formidable aggregation tool. You set Twitter to search out information on any subject you want and it will often bring you the best information there is. It becomes your personalised news feed.

5) It’s a great reporting tool.  Many of the best reporters are now habitually using Twitter as an aid to find information. This can be simple requests for knowledge which other people already know, have to hand, or can easily find. The so-called wisdom of crowds comes into play: the ‘they know more than we do’ theory.

6) It’s a fantastic form of marketing.  You’ve written your piece or blog. You may well have involved others in the researching of it. Now you can let them all know it’s there, so that they come to your site.

7) It’s a series of common conversations. As well as reading what you’ve written and spreading the word, people can respond.

8 ) It’s more diverse. Traditional media allowed a few voices in. Twitter allows anyone.

9) It changes the tone of writing. A good conversation involves listening as well as talking. You will want to listen as well as talk. You will want to engage and be entertaining.

10) It’s a level playing field. A recognised “name” may initially attract followers in reasonable numbers. But if they have nothing interesting to say they will talk into an empty room. The energy in Twitter gathers around people who can say things crisply and entertainingly, even though they may be “unknown”, or not known…yet.

11) It has different news values. People on Twitter quite often have an entirely different sense of what is and what isn’t news. What seems obvious to journalists in terms of the choices we make is quite often markedly different from how others see it – both in terms of the things we choose to cover and the things we ignore.

12) It has a long attention span. Set your Tweetdeck to follow a particular keyword or issue or subject and you may well find that the attention span of Twitterers puts newspapers to shame. They will be ferreting out and aggregating information on the issues that concern them long after the caravan of professional journalists has moved on.

13) It creates communities. Or, rather communities form themselves around particular issues, people, events, artifacts, cultures, ideas, subjects or geographies.

14) It changes notions of authority. Instead of waiting to receive the ‘expert’ opinions of others – mostly us, journalists — Twitter shifts the balance to so-called ‘peer to peer’ authority.

15) It is an agent of change. As this ability of people to combine around issues and to articulate them grows, so it will have increasing effect on people in authority. Increasingly, social media will challenge conventional politics and, for instance, the laws relating to expression and speech.

To read the speech in full, or to hear it in full, click here

Publicity QueenYours in PR

Behind the Scenes – Watch How TV News is Made

Part of the work we do at Publicity Queen is to generate media coverage for our clients, including broadcast media and television news.  There are many strategies we deploy in order to generate TV coverage, including developing a strong network of useful contacts including News Directors, Chiefs of Staff, Producers and Reporters, and sending them timely and interesting story ideas.

In order to better understand just how TV news works, I recently came across an interactive live stream Q&A session with the Channel 9 News team that was broadcast on YouTube.  By listening in to the questions posed by the audience and watching the answers from the presenters, there are great insights into about the processes that go on behind and in front of the camera.  

Congrats to Channel 9 for setting this up, it is a good example of how digital and free to air media can work seamlessly with social media – the presenter of the programme, Rob McKnight listed his Twitter hashtag (@Rob_McKnight) at the start of the broadcast, and then used questions sent in by Twitterers and Facebook fans that were answered live on air.  The increasing integration of these different media channels is definitely the way of the future.

PR agencies who are on the cutting edge are embracing these new technologies, and choosing to ‘follow’ media outlets on Twitter to read about the stories they are covering, and the more proactive ones are using it to pitch story ideas and suggest talent for interviews.

Don’t make the mistake of being overwhelmed by this technology.  There is merit in spreading your media message across as many channels as possible – print, broadcast, digital, online all have their own audiences and potential to reach your target market.  In the case of TV, it has its own dynamics as a medium, and it is worthwhile investing some time in understanding how TV news is made, how to contact them, how to attract their attention and to make it as easy for them as possible to cover your breaking story.

Publicity Queen
Yours in PR

Have you got your Queentessentials?

Queentessentials December 2010Seasons Greetings!  We have just launched the bumper Christmas and New Year edition of Queentessentials, and we have crammed the PR stocking full of insights and tips to help you get ready for 2011.

In this edition we meet Spencer Howson of 612 ABC and look at a business phenomenon now referred to as ‘The Oprah Effect’.  In our regular features we give you a glimpse inside the exciting PR world, including the power of a photoshoot to support strong written material, the latest sales wisdom from Napoleon Hill and much more.  To read it, and to subscribe, click here

Wishing you a safe and happy festive season, and a prosperous New Year ahead for 2011.

Publicity QueenYours in PR